Work for international organisations in Cuba
On this page we look at applying for international organisations in Cuba, together with where you can find such job vacancies.
In this day and age, it’s not enough to merely say that you worked abroad in a different country. Anyone can acknowledge that you went abroad, what employers want to hear is what did you learn from your international experience and how can you apply it to the job you’re currently interviewing for. Remember it’s not the destination they care about it’s the experience.
In addition, keep in mind that no matter where you go in the world employers like to see minimalistic CVs that are rich in detail and not word count. A simple template such as:
- Personal information – name, email, phone number, address
- Education / Skills / Hobbies / Other qualifications
- Relevant work experience
- Work conducted at that relevant employment
- References
Following these simple pillars in your CV template will keep you on track and no matter where you apply for a job in the world, it’s exactly what employers want to see. Just get straight to the point. Remember, employers have to read through ton’s of these documents. More often than not they might not even read them all. Keep yours minimalistic but make it stand out from the crowd at the same time by adding your own personal touch.
Many employers are beginning to use digital CVs like on LinkedIn. The reason some international employers find this useful is that they can translate your CV directly into their native tongue. Take note of this and start preparing a digital version of your CV for LinkedIn.
Write passionately about your previous work experience when drafting your recent work experience on your CV. Employers whether they be international or domestic love to see enthusiasm on character and on paper. They will always look for three things:
- Intelligence
- Energy
- Integrity
And you haven’t got the last one you can forget about the first two. Make sure you deliver your CV with these principles in mind, especially the last one.